Participants Pat and Margaret talk to PitC

Pompey in the Community’s Life ‘n’ Chimes project has just restarted!

Life ‘n’ Chimes works with people living with – or at risk of developing – dementia and those who feel socially isolated. The group meet once a week on Wednesday mornings here at the Pompey in the Community office, as well as going on visits to local theatres, the cinema, bowling alleys and the dockyard.

Long-time Life ‘n’ Chimes members, Pat and Margaret have lived in Portsmouth all their lives; they discuss how the project has impacted them.

Are you glad to be back?

Both: Definitely, yes!

What kinds of things do you usually get up to here?

P: So many things! We really do so much here. We all knitted and crocheted poppies, we have singers and sing-alongs, and Pompey Pluckers come to visit with their ukuleles.

M: And there’s colouring, there’s puzzles on the table, we often end the session with a couple rounds of bingo that everyone enjoys. Just all a really nice social outing for us.

Do you have a particular favourite activity?

M: The chatting!

P: Yes, we do have a good laugh about things. I don’t think I have anything in particular that is favourite—it’s just nice to be here and just be with everybody again.

How has Life ‘n’ Chimes impacted your life?

M: For me, I think with most of the people here, I didn’t know a lot of them, but have really got to know them since they’ve come here. It’s all just very friendly.

P: I used to come with my husband, before he passed away, and it was good for him as if I went to get a coffee or something, I know someone would see to him while I’m away. Everyone looks after everybody else, which is important.

So, Life ‘n’ Chimes is an important thing for you?

M: Yeah, I think it is really. It’s every week and it’s nice for everyone to get together again.

P: There lots of people that have come and unfortunately have now passed away—my husband for one. So, it’s a bit difficult to come back sometimes. But you definitely need to do these things sometimes.

Pat has been part of the programme for 4 years and Margaret has been going from the first year; now 5 years ago.

Life ‘n’ Chimes is always open to new participants to join their friendly programme. For more information visit: