In December last year Pascalle Durow emailed Portsmouth Football Club with a rather unusual question:


I know this could be a long shot but if you don’t ask you never get!

Back in 2000, my sons’ school had some Portsmouth tickets given to them and selected families were given these. My son at the time didn’t get to go due to him being naughty at home, so instead I took his younger sister. Knowing this has always been an upset his sister went and not him, I wanted to take him back in time and just his mum and him go to football together as he missed out (he was so gutted). For his birthday I have offered to redo the football day out with me and the icing on the cake for that day would be to watch the team on that day Portsmouth played against. Neither of us remember who they played sadly, and I have even tried to think long and hard to what month it was, please if you could tell me what team they played I would be forever grateful, the school that were given the tickets were Warren Park Primary. We think 2000 was the year. I know this is a very big long shot but if any one remembers and can help a mum give her son that memory relived, it would make my gift that extra special.

Kind regards,

Miss. Durow”

The club forwarded it to Pompey in the Community, not really expecting a reply. But bizarrely, CEO Clare Martin recognised both the school and the trip – she had also attended that same match with Warren Park Primary as she was teaching there at the time.

She was able to let Miss Durow know that the opposition was Bolton and, as we were playing them again in February 2023, invited Zach not only to the match, but to carry out the match ball to make the occasion even more special.

Clare said, “It was quite incredible. This was my first Pompey match and the game that made me fall in love with the club and apply for the community role when it arose later that year. To be able to meet Zach again and re-live the match he never had was such a privilege. To think that such a random email, sent with no expectations, could have such a happy ending was incredible. Got to love this club!’

Both mother and son had a fantastic experience on the long-awaited matchday. Miss Durow talked about the day, “What an amazing experience. We can’t thank Portsmouth Football Club enough. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming – Zach didn’t stop grinning all the way home! I think he’s finally forgiven me”.