We caught up with Layla and Tegan and Dennis and Fletcher from our Miltoncross football holiday courses last half-term. Here are some of their thoughts about the courses!

What is the best thing about the holiday course?

Dennis: That we don’t have to take it seriously, and that we can just enjoy it and have fun

Fletcher: Just making new friends and having fun

Do you both have a favourite coach?

Both: James!

Dennis: Because although he doesn’t play with us as much as the other coaches, when he does he’s really quick and he’s really funny

Fletcher: Yeah, he’s funny

What day has been your best day?

Fletcher: Probably today so far

Dennis: It’s either Friday or Wednesday because we did the World Cup on Wednesday

Who is better Messi or Ronaldo?

Both: Messi!

Fletcher: 100% , he’s just so good. He’s good at dribbling and he’s good at free kicks.

Who is your favourite Pompey player?

Fletcher: Sean Raggett

Dennis: Bazunu


What is your favourite thing about the holiday course this week?

Layla: I like doing the matches and I like joining in with the boys as well

Tegan: I like that when I came here I wasn’t that good, but now I’m quite good!

Have you made any new friends since you’ve been here?

Both: *Pointing to each other laughing*

Who is your favourite coach?

Tegan: Pat

Layla: George


Tegan: Pat is funny

Layla: George because he’s kind

Which day this week has been your favourite day?

Both: Wednesday

Tegan: Yeah, because it was medal day and our team won!

Which Pompey player would you say is your favourite player?

Layla: Michael Jacobs!

You can book onto our Easter holiday courses now, follow this link to look at the different venues we run our courses at: www.bookings.pompeyitc.co.uk/activitybooker/courses/courses.htm