At Pompey in the Community, we have been running our HAF summer cooking courses, and so far, they’ve gone down a treat!

HAF courses (Holiday Activities and Food) are for 5–16-year-olds who are eligible for benefits related free school meals. The programme includes our summer football courses, as well as our exciting cooking courses teaching young people new abilities to make their own nutritious meals with Gav in our community kitchen!

Gav, our community chef, is passionate about these courses: “I’ve really enjoyed teaching these kids essential and fun cooking skills”, he adds “during the summer holidays there’s a lot of free time kids have to fill. So, it’s been really good to engage them in this way—potentially setting them up for very valuable life skills”.

Our courses have been especially popular this summer, as spaces were quick to fill up, and with spatula-clad kids ready and raring to develop their culinary skills.

When asked about the best part of the course so far, one child replied: “The best part for me was learning how to cut onions properly—like a real chef”.

Emily from Pompey in the Community has been an asset in helping in these sessions: “All the kids have been really enthusiastic, and the meatball and pasta dish they cooked today was delicious”, she adds “It has been great to connect with the kids, and I’m glad to be a part of it”.

Although our cooking courses are all full up, our summer football courses still have a few spots left—so there’s still time to sign up now!

To sign up phone: 02392728899 or visit our holiday courses page.