Pompey in the Community have partnered with MusicFootballFatherhood and their new book, ‘DAD’.

The organisation’s aim is to provide a space for dads to share the ups and downs of parenting, and they do this through blogs, podcasts and social media.

DAD is a deeply moving collection of stories that represent the diversity of modern fatherhood and seeks to start a conversation that challenges the traditions associated with masculinity.

Never before have a group of men come together to bare their souls and speak so openly and honestly about their fatherhood experiences, which makes this book groundbreaking.

The story aims to be a conversation starter within groups of males, encouraging them to discuss the many issues fatherhood could face.

This includes stories around stillbirth, miscarriage, post-natal depression, divorce, widowhood, childbirth trauma, work-life balance, shared parental leave, gay fatherhood and surrogacy, raising a child with a disability, blended families, black fatherhood, raising a mixed-race child, being a single dad, faith and fatherhood and raising a child with autism.

Elliot Rae, Founder of Music Football Fatherhood and Editor of ‘DAD’, said: “We at MusicFootballFatherhood are all about reaching into communities and supporting our people. Right now, more than ever, it’s time to start those conversations around topics like masculinity, mental health and gender equality.

“We are proud to partner with Pompey in the Community on our new book DAD to help reach more communities and engage men, women and families.”

Taylor Monk, Head of Community Projects at Pompey in the Community, said: “Partnering up with an organisation like MusicFootballFatherhood was a no brainer for us at PitC.

“We’re delighted to be able to support the organisation and the launch of ‘DAD’ and the support it will provide its readers, particularly fathers. I’d strongly encourage anyone to donate towards the cause and any fathers to pick up a copy of the book.”

Click here to donate to their Crowdfunder page.