Pompey in the Community coaches visit schools across the city offering a varied curriculum of PE which includes gym, dance, invasion games, and team building sessions.

We offer these sessions to several schools, however our activity at Portsdown Primary this new school year is particularly inclusive and varied; with a differentiated programme meaning that all pupils no matter their ability can access these active classes.

The curriculum that we offer to Portsdown Primary pupils is comprehensive and diverse – with our coordinators currently offering sessions 5 days a week and working with year groups from Year R right through to Year 6.

A special PitC medal is awarded every week to one especially hard-working individual. When it comes to awarding this medal every week, PE Coordinator Chris Plow reveals: ‘We look for children that are putting effort into the session. Maybe a child that works really hard, shows great teamwork, or has made a real improvement in the class. It is not always the child how just shines all the time – but can be personalities who usually shy away from PE and have really started to apply themselves’.

The elected student then gets the honour of wearing the medal around school for the day so that their teachers and peers can see them wearing their achievement with pride which enriches pupils’ sense of accomplishment.

A separate trophy is also awarded to the whole class in a year group that have worked especially well together. This trophy stays in their class for the week and is up for grabs the following school week for other hopeful classes.

Chris says about these unique prizes: ‘It’s all about inspiring fairness, teamwork, and being ambitious. The trophy adds an important competition element between the year groups where we award not solely ability, but groups that work hard together and support each other’.

One student this week expressed his enthusiasm for the PE-enriched year ahead with PitC after his very first dance session, exclaiming: ‘It was great fun and not only does it improve our dance skills, it also really good for making new friendships’.

But the engagement at Portsdown Primary doesn’t end with PE, Pompey in the Community also run lunchtime clubs, and afterschool programmes such as Makaton Choir sessions, multi-skills clubs, and dance competitions.

Does this sound like something you’d like your school to get involved with? Email [email protected] to find out how you can get involved!