Women’s football in general is becoming more popular and there is certainly more interest in the women’s game from media channels, and that interest is continuing to rise in popularity regarding women’s walking football, too!

Working together as a team and learning new skills, the members of Pompey in the Community’s women’s walking football club are enjoying their sessions while improving their physical health. Not only does it keep them active and get their blood pumping, but it is also a sociable and supportive group who are the definition of team spirit!

As well as participating in their usual Monday evening sessions, they also take part in friendly matches every couple of months with the men’s team and, most recently, the Walking Football Invitations Festival, where both women and men from clubs all over the south of England joined together to play friendly matches that were all extremely close in points. Despite the blustery conditions, the standard of football was truly rewarding.

Members of the walking football group regularly volunteer within other aspects of Pompey in the Community’s activities; driving the minibus for the BTEC students to away fixtures, taking part in cookery courses, helping with maintenance of the building and their band playing at the Life and Chimes Christmas party! It is this aspect of both the women’s and men’s walking football group, that has prompted Pompey’s entries to the EFL Awards to be centred around the group, both for Community Project and Community Club submissions.
It highlights what both the women and men’s walking football groups do and give back to the community, showing how valuable and important walking football is to the members who take part.

Members of the women’s walking football group have said, ‘It’s great support system!’ and
‘It feels really nice for us to have opportunities like this.’

If you would like to increase your fitness and give walking football a try, come along to the women’s session on Mondays from 7pm-8pm, at Medina Primary School, PO6 3NH for a FREE taster session. Sessions cost just £2.50 once you sign-up and attend regularly. For more information, contact [email protected].