The Great South Run brought together 45 supporters of Pompey in the Community to fundraise over £4,000! This money will be used to help us give back to the people of Portsmouth and provide programmes of activities for them to grow and belong.

Over the years, this event has witnessed numerous inspiring stories of individuals running for Pompey, making a significant impact on their community. In this blog, we celebrate the remarkable success of those who have laced up their running shoes to support Pompey in the Community at the Great South Run.

Our Participants

Teddy, who loves taking part in our Premier League Kicks Pan Disability Football sessions, took part in the Junior Great South Run with his mum Kirsty and even managed to cross the finish line all by himself.

We also had some participants take part from our adult disability group, Bluesability. Our Disability Officer, Jared, not only managed to smash the full 10 mile course in less than an hour, he came back to walk with some of the participants to complete some of the course again.

Our Nelson was greeted by cheering crowds of Blue Army throughout the city and was captured by many as he made it across the finish line.

Our Partners

We couldn’t have taken part without our fantastic partners, so we owe a huge thank you to the following:

Support Us

There’s still time to donate at or want to find out how you can support our fundraising in other ways here.

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