Pompey in the Community have been working with Goal Click and PLCF on a Goal Click photographic project – where two of our young participants (Rian and Peaches) have done a fantastic job, documenting their football lives as part of our Kicks programme.

Here is Rian’s Q&A below:


Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your football life?

My name is Rian Saunders, I’m 14 and from Portsmouth. My football life only really goes as far as PL Kicks sessions – I have been going to Pompey in the Community sessions for 5 years. I don’t play football outside of the sessions but enjoy playing recreationally and watching also.


What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

In these photos are some of my friends from school and friends I have met at Kicks sessions. The photos were taken at Bransbury Park in Portsmouth. I go here every Monday and Friday evening to play football.

I tried to show what the sessions are about and how everyone can enjoy them in different ways. I tried to capture smiles on faces to show what a good time they were having.

My favourite photo was one I took from behind one of the goals where we could see the whole pitch and everyone playing and enjoying themselves.

Football is important because it brings people together and lets us enjoy time with friends outside of school. Football is fun to play and watch with friends and something which I really enjoy.


How does taking part in Kicks make you feel? What impact has the Pompey programme had on you?

PL Kicks is a great programme and lets me enjoy myself outside of school. I can be myself and I can meet new people and meet new coaches who can help me too.

Pompey in the Community and PL Kicks has given me a chance to improve my social skills and given me opportunities I might not otherwise have had. I have recently been a ball retriever at a Pompey game, and I hope to be able to do more things like this in the future.


What do you think the future looks like for football in Portsmouth and England? What do you want to change?

I think the future of football in Portsmouth is looking good. I am hoping Pompey can get promoted to the Championship soon! I really enjoyed watching England in the summer and think we will win the World Cup next year and maybe even future tournaments after that also. The one main thing I would love to change is the discrimination in the sport in general because it has a major negative impact on a lot of people.