Each week during term time Pompey in the Community delivers coaching and training programmes to over 6,000 students and pupils – that’s over 36,000 individuals each year. We run sports, education, health, inclusion and disability projects in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas through a range of programmes and projects. We have over 45 coaching and support staff, plus our casuals–in addition to a whole army of volunteers. BUT we don’t have a home!

Pompey in the Community is developing a new sports facility right in the middle of the city. Named after D-Day veteran and life-long Pompey fan, the John Jenkins Stadium will become a central hub for us all; where we can train, learn, play and, most importantly, belong and grow. It will also serve the needs of our community, as according to Portsmouth City Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy 2018-2022, there is an urgent need for more sports provision in Portsmouth and a shortfall of high-quality football provision in the city, particularly 3G pitches.

Working in partnership with Moneyfields FC, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to develop their current site to provide all-weather pitches, gym, dance studio, boxing facilities, clubhouse and lots, lots more. The surrounding grounds will be developed and landscaped to include raised beds for food growing projects, fruit trees and a Tiny Forest, one of Earthwatch Europe’s latest environmental initiatives.

The John Jenkins Stadium is not all about football. A specialised boxing gym gives us the opportunity to engage with a much broader range of people from all areas of the city and will allow us to support Portsmouth’s youth even more. In addition, a multi-use games area, flexible classrooms, studios and social club will allow us to provide something for everybody and help improve health and well-being for all our participants.

As you can see from the pictures, the site is developing quickly since the first brick was laid early last month and it is hoped that Pompey in the Community will have the facility up and running by October this year.  If you would like to donate to the John Jenkins Stadium go to the website: www.pompeyitc.co.uk  to make a donation or if you can help in anyway contact: [email protected] .