Pompey in the Community recently hosted a media evening full of interviews, games, and pictures for our Girls Development teams.

The young players got to socialise and play FIFA together while they were called one by one to receive a separate player photoshoot each. Once the singular photos were completed, players took part in fun interviews and games including the viral game ‘me or her’. The sessions ended with a squad photo of their team and coach.

Some of the activities included the girls being interviewed with their parents about their experience with PitC. One participant, Isabella, said the thing she was most looking forward to with PitC in the new year was that she was, ‘Excited to move to John Jenkins as it’s a more professional facility’. Her father added, ‘I think it shows the club is going places. Talking from the girls’ point of view; it’s home. With the facilities that are being talked about and the training programme attached to that with gym and fitness, I think it would really help the girls develop and grow further’.

At the end of the interview, he added, ‘This is Isabella’s third season at Pompey. And I have to say, I think with her teammates that she’s grown up through the different ages with, the bonding of the girls on the field and off the field is second to none. She’s made many friends here, and I think that is a tremendous thing. And you can start to see it on the football pitch when they play with each other as a team now, and I think that’s a great credit to the coaches and Pompey’.

The following week, the girls were then given out their own personalised player cards at their training session.

Head coach Kirsty Pearce said about the evening, ‘Creating special events such as the media evening are really important for the girls to experience, and to feel valued. This is also a great way to show to the community what we deliver within the girls programme’.

Pompey in the Community has six Girls Development teams, running from Under 11 to Under 16. Players who play in these teams receive coaching sessions twice a week, with games played on a Saturday.