Pompey in the Community’s BTEC girls’ squad have made Pompey proud by winning the National Football Youth League, with an impressive victory against Cambridge United Under 21’s team in their final fixture on the 19th of April. The team played with passion, determination and teamwork throughout the season, and their hard work has paid off with an impressive 5-1 win.

This season has been exceptional for the Portsmouth FC U21s Women team, who have scored a total of 48 goals in the league. Maisie Aldridge, the top goal scorer of the league, has been a crucial player for the team throughout the season, scoring an impressive 21 goals.

“I am incredibly proud of our team and what we have achieved this season,” Maisie said. “We worked really hard to get to this point, and winning the league is a huge accomplishment for us. We have all put in a lot of effort and dedication, and it’s amazing to see it pay off with this result.”

The team’s coach, Kirsty Pearce, praised the girls for their outstanding performance and commitment, “It’s been a great season for our players within the girls education football programme”. She said “We had a target to win the league this season, and to say that we’ve achieved that is something that I’m extremely proud of. The girls have worked together as a group to push each other and be better to reach the high standards which have been set, and I fully believe that this group of players are only going to get better.”

The Portsmouth FC U21s Women’s team’s victory in the National Football Youth League is a testament to their talent and hard work, and they have set a high bar for themselves and other teams in the future. Congratulations to the team on a well-deserved win!