Pompey in the Community coaches have again been keeping busy and active during the latest lockdown by attending local primary schools in and around the city to support teaching staff by providing PE and sport lessons for the children of key workers. The coaches are currently attending Mayfield School, Meon Junior School and Northern Junior School engaging with children from Year R through to Year 6, delivering both a range of physical sports and sport-based classroom activities.

Teachers at all the schools have said the children have loved the sessions that have been organised by the PitC coaches, as they spend all morning in their classrooms remaining in their seats, so the opportunity to do something physical and active is a welcome release.  Staying physically active is of huge benefit to children’s mental health and to have the opportunity to play organised games and do physical activities with the coaches means that they are being cared for in the best possible way.

Dan Williamson, Assistant Head of Curriculum and Delivery at PitC said, ‘The small number of children still attending schools have been loving our coaches attending the schools and taking part in our sport sessions. It is also brilliant for us to attend the schools to allow the teachers to have a break as they have been working tirelessly to ensure the children both at the school and home don’t miss out on any education. A huge well done to all of our staff for having such a positive impact within the city during these strange times!’

Pompey in the Community would like to say a massive thank you to all the schools who have continued to show us commitment and support throughout these unprecedented times. If any schools would like to find out more about our school provision and how we can support within your school, please email [email protected].