Individuals and companies coming together to help those in need

Blues players have joined staff from the club and Pompey in the Community (PitC) to volunteer during the coronavirus pandemic.

Food has been prepared and delivered – along with other essential goods – to the most vulnerable people in the local area.

Plenty of other businesses have also come together to provide vital support throughout the current crisis.

And during these challenging times, Clare Martin is thrilled with the community spirit that has been on display.

The CEO of PitC said: “It hasn’t just been the odd token player – they’ve got a schedule and so many people want play a part.

“Christian Burgess and Sean Raggett have been down to prepare some meals recently and Ben Close was doing some deliveries the other day.

“We had Abdul the steward cooking at Landport Community Centre and Alan Knight has been busy, along with many others.

“A lot of people have been helping out as part of the HIVE Portsmouth campaign and I think they’ve enjoyed it.

“We even had some meals that Southampton donated to FareShare and they found their way to us – although I think we might have to remove the labels before we distribute them!

“There have been donations from all over the place and it really is great to see so many helping those who need our support the most.”


Among the donations that are assisting PitC in their HIVE deliveries are:

– 40 trays of fresh fruit weekly from PMC Construction
– Cash donation from Milkwood Care
– Cash donation and Easter eggs from Landsec/Gunwharf Quays
– 150 meals, three times a week from the Queens Hotel
– Soups, curries and traybakes from Quattro Foods
– Asda vouchers from the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Partnerships
– Thousands of bags from Gunwharf outlets for food parcels
– £1,000 from the Lord Mayor’s Appeal
– Fresh meals from Landport Community Centre/Enable Ability
– Food from BH Live
– Toiletries from Boots in Commercial Road
– Cupcakes from Sweet Creation
– Meals from Kadir’s Indian Street Kitchen on Albert Road
– Sanitary products from Red Box
– Leaflet distribution and school meal delivery support from Colas
– Two cages of food from Morrisons
– Cash donation from The Fruit Basket
– Antibacterial had gel and toiletries from Zidac Laboratories
– Brown paper bags from Rexel Portsmouth
– Groceries from Sainsbury’s in Farlington
– Easter eggs and toiletries from Asda in Fratton
– Toiletries from Village Hotel
– Volunteer Amazon delivery of tinned goods and rice