Meet Chris!
Chris is a member of our most recent Fit Fans cohort – and is one of our success stories from the programme! We sat down to interview Chris about his Fit Fans journey and to see whether he’d recommend the programme to others.

PompeyITC: Hiya Chris, hope you’re well! Could you tell me how you initially found out about Fit Fans?
Chris: I actually learnt about Fit Fans through a friend who did a similar programme with another football club. I also saw the ads on Pompey in the Community’s social media, so I decided to reach out and enquire.

PompeyITC: What made you apply for Fit Fans to begin with?
Chris: The main reason I joined Fit Fans is because I wanted to take health and fitness more seriously. There’s not many programmes out there that are designed for blokes – there’s plenty of other slimming programmes that manage to get women involved, but being realistic it doesn’t appeal to middle-aged men like me. The fact that the programme is linked to football was a massive factor in me applying, as it meant that I had something in common with the other lads who were part of the programme.

PompeyITC: What’s your overall experience with Fit Fans been like?
Chris: Overall, Fit Fans has been a great experience. The programme has given me a great introduction into health and fitness in a very user-friendly way. We get given a guidebook right at the beginning, which explains nutrition in simple terms, and gives you exercises that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. I never realised how important stretching exercises are, and I’m glad that I’ve been introduced to it!

PompeyITC: Is there anything that’s surprised you at all about the programme?
Chris: When you start a programme like this, you think that you have to be on your best behaviour 24/7 and that’s not entirely true. We were doing Fit Fans during the Euros, and obviously football and alcohol go hand in hand. The programme has made me realise that you can have a night out in the pub and enjoy yourself – just as long as you get back to healthy eating and exercise the day after. Consistency is key!

FIT FANS is a free health programme for men and women who are looking to lose weight, get fitter and lead a more active life. The free 12 week programme is delivered by coaching staff from Pompey in the Community and you will meet fans just like you, who want to lose weight.  You’ll learn about healthy eating and take part is an exercise programme, but don’t worry, people often say with FIT FANS they are too busy having fun to realise that they are exercising.

The main aims of the programme are to:

  • Improve your eating habits
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Increase your activity levels – one step at a time!
  • Reduce your weight and waistline
  • Support each other to stay on track

FIT FANS has helped 1000’s of people – football fans like you – to achieve long-term improvements in weight loss, physical activity, diet and general wellbeing.

The FITFANS programme is for men and women aged between 35 and 65, who have a BMI of 28+, waist measurement in excess of 37” (males) and 31” (females).

Do you want to kick start the new you for the new season?  To find out more go to: or email: [email protected] to register your interest in the FIT POMPEY programme.  The 12-week programme is due to start very soon, but full details will be given to everyone who registers.