Kick Start Sport Junior Leaders programme has recently finished its 6th cohort, which ran from March to the end of July, passing 110 children and giving them the tools and confidence to lead sports activities within their schools.  Pompey in the Community has worked with Year 5 & 6’s at St Johns, Cottage Grove and Mengham, and Year 7 & 8’s at Trafalgar and Warblington.

The groups had to complete a 10 week course that taught them how to coach and lead sporting activities and taught them the theories behind the coaching they were giving.  Each course finishes with the Junior Leaders organising a multi-sport festival for their school as part of the assessment process.  Each leader or a small group of them, decided what activity to facilitate and then groups from the school will take part in each activity.  The leaders are then assessed on the activity and how well they ran it.  Other activities have included a handball festival which involved 9 teams at Mengham on Hayling Island.

PitC had the opportunity to run a Leaders Celebration Event with all leaders present and past from Warblington. The children worked with the PitC coaches in new sporting activities such as archery, ultimate frisbee, badminton, kurling and speed stacking. The event was run as a celebration for all of their hard work and allowed the coaches to hand out the chidlren’s certificates and coaching t-shirts.

We are currently looking forward to running our final cohort in September and continue to build coaching relationships with local schools and provide local children the opportunity to lead and volunteer in Portsmouth.

If you would like your school to be involved in the Kick Start Sport Junior Leaders programme, contact [email protected] for more information.