Blues stars have been delivering vital goods

Pompey stars have been helping to ensure that supplies reach vulnerable and self-isolating people in the city.

Skipper Tom Naylor and fellow midfielder Ben Close were the latest members of the squad to volunteer their services to deliver food and other essential items.

They have joined staff from the club and Pompey in the Community (PitC) in lending a hand during the coronavirus pandemic.

It is all part of the HIVE Portsmouth campaign to support the area’s most vulnerable residents during these testing times.

Clare Martin, CEO at PitC, said: “We’ve been doing about 60-70 deliveries a day, collecting goods from various organisations and visiting foodbanks, as well as people’s doorsteps.

“Christian Burgess has sent me a player rota and some of the squad have been going out in their training kit, which is a reassuring sight.

“Some families have nothing in the cupboard and I spoke to one couple who were having to share a tin of peas before their package arrived.

“There are people who are close to the edge and a lot of them wouldn’t be able to cope without this help.

“It’s a privilege to be able to volunteer and some of the messages you receive are humbling. It’s fantastic that we’re able to make an impact.

“I know there are lots of people doing their bit – PMC recently bought snacks and all sorts of things for the staff at QA Hospital.”

One person who received a package said: “I’ve never been given anything like that before in my life – it felt like Christmas morning! Thank you so much.”

HIVE Portsmouth are dedicated to supporting those who need it the most. If you are vulnerable and received a letter from the government, click here to register.

If you are an individual in need of assistance, please call the helpline on (023) 9261 6709 (lines are open 9am-5pm from Monday-Friday).